Natural Medical Therapies
Revertive & Preventive Medicine

AcuGraph what is it?

The AcuGraph digital imagining system is a computerized tool we use to analyze and document the "energetic neural pathways" in the body. Monitoring current electron levels. Your practitioner will use the system in a short examination by touching a probe Involving electrical currents on specific areas of the hands and feet showing us what neural-pathways are properly functioning, in a regenerative state, or preforming at a rate that may indicate inflammatory irregularities or disease in the body. Each exam is recorded and allows us to have a running history to show you the progress of treatment.
The examination causes no pain or discomfort.

What does this chart mean?

When we finish the exam a chart of your energetic neural-pathways is displayed. As you can see above, there are different colors to the graph. Green means the neural-pathways electron levels are reading at an optimal level. Red indicates they are either in a regenerative state or possibly heading towards a chronic issue. The Blue indicates a neural-pathway that may already have chronic issues such as inflammation and disease. Purple shows us a energetic pathway is "overworking" to receive a function and "under preforming" to deliver a function. When there is a statistically significant difference between the right and left readings on a given energetic pathway, that pathway is considered “Split”. Organs are quite dependent upon one another. A "split" may indicate a organ function in the body is draining electrons and needed nutrients from other systems to maintain itself. This can lead to other system problems due to lack of necessary electrons and nutrients needed else where. A split condition (purple) takes first priority over other considerations for treatment  because the "vacuum" state created in it's need of electrons and vital nutrients. It will continue to take from another source in the body until treated. Without treatment this would eventually lead to chronic conditions much like we explained a blue deficient reading can indicate and will take precedence in treatment until corrected.    

What does my P.I.E. score mean?
Your P.I.E. score includes a complete analysis of all your energetic neural-pathways and reflects the overall status of your bodies electrons. A perfect score of "100" would reflect complete balance and unimpeded flow of your bodies electrons. A lower score means there are various imbalances that you and your practitioner should address together. Within the P.I.E. (Personal Integrated Energetics) chart, each wedge of the circle represents one "pathway". Those shown in green are "balanced" and functioning normally.
Other colors represent possible disease, or the body is in a regenerative state from inflammatory issues or infection/pathogens in your body are utilizing the bodies own recourses to fight against causing a "drain" on other systems. 

The primary goal of treatment utilizing the AcuGraph system is to restore electron functions to homeostasis, assist the body when functioning in a regenerative state and eliminate pathogens/infections causing unwanted symptoms and leading to potential chronic states and conditions.

Below is a demonstration of progress per treatment, so you can understand what we mean by tracking your progress and allowing you to see evidence of that progress in your treatment.  

AcuGraph® is a Registered Trademark of and owned by Miridia Technology Inc.



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