Natural Medical Therapies
Revertive & Preventive Medicine

Bioelectronic medicine

Bioelectronic medicine or molecular medicine is a thoroughly researched and clinically studied approach to treatment. Ranging from acute injuries, chronic conditions, diseases, mental and addictive disorders, including your bodies own natural functioning capabilities. Electrons are the neuro-electric communication between cells in organs, systems and tissues that instruct them in the proper function of their specific role in homeostasis. It encompasses the biological functions of all the systems and organs of the body. The functions that it produces depends upon the organ or system in question. When communication between cells are disrupted is when we see health issues arise. Electrons provide the materials the body needs for organs and systems to function properly. It is the "warmth" and energy that each organ needs to fulfill its functions. It is the energy the muscles need to preform every day activities. It regulates the proper direction of materials and functional energy from organ to organ, to systems, to muscles, to skin, etc. It is the function of holding blood and body fluids in their proper places and organs in their place. 

During treatment we utilize electrical devices and non-invasive techniques to modulate the electrical activity within the body’s nervous system. This opens new doors to treatment options for inflammatory and other disease conditions (pathogens). In correlation with Acu-Graph technologies we as practitioners can generate knowledge of the mechanisms of organ control by tapping into neural pathways, with technology that delivers a safe and effective means of treatment with fewer adverse effects. Many in the field of medicine are already acutely aware that inflammation is the central phenomenon in virtually all disease ranging from cancer to diabetes. Second it has been researched that inflammation can be controlled through the vagus nerve. This is the bodies main “highway” of neural information that engages during injury or disease and can also curb inflammation. Understanding the vagus system and other nerve networks throughout the body have led to technology to both monitor neural signals (electrons) produced by the body and help decipher wether your electron rate is at a normal healthy rate, regenerative rate (ie: cellular regeneration rate is a natural spike in electrons that does not necessarily need treatment.) Treatment of a regenerating cellular function would likely lead to an adverse effect. If the body is reading at an unhealthy charge we can anticipate incipient disease before it takes hold, or begin treating if you already have a diagnosed disease to reverse the effects. 

A healthy electron reading of the body, measures at negative 25 charge. This indicates that the bodies cells are functioning properly. When inflammation and disease is present in the body, it can measure at a negative 50 charge. This is your bodies natural state to repairing damage and disease in the body. When the body goes through a long period of inflammation and disease the charge rate will eventually "drain" to zero. 
At this point the body will begin storing positive charge. This is a unhealthy rate of charge in the body, as it leads to chronic conditions and diseases. This is why using electricity to induce electrons into the body is extremely important to homeostasis. Your cells are made up of electrons. It's the atom that surrounds your cell and also what separates a free radical (an uncharged molecule) from a healthy cell. Uncharged molecules "feed" from your electron charged healthy cell and this creates damage to the once healthy cells that lead to disease and cancer. That's how important electrons are to your overall health and not simply a condition.

Inducing electrons, in corelation with proper Hz rates, which cells will respond to, produces the effect that we want the body to carry out during treatment. Hz rates come into play when we want to communicate with a cell. Your cells vibrate at different Hz rates when carrying out a specific "task" the body needs it to do. This is how we communicate to your cells to do "X". We are in essence acting as the brains neurological command to create a chemical or hormone we need. With bioelectronic medicine we can "manipulate" the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system to go from a "hyper" or "hypo" state to homeostasis.  

Your bodies endorphin levels are also important. Bioelectronic medicine can assist in "programing" the body to produce endorphin levels that lead to homeostasis for a individual. After a duration of time because we are "programing" the body to produce "X" amount of endorphins the body will eventually do this without the assistance of a device. This is a very important aspect especially when dealing with chronic issues and diseases. 

By using bioelectronic medicine we can significantly increase the amount of electrons in the body which instinctively search out cells. Each atom of our body is composed of a positive charged nucleolus surrounded at a distance by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. Between the two are protons which carry a positive charge and neutrons that are electrically neutral. The outer shell of negative electrons, when they are stable, will repel a cell that has been compromised called a "free radical". Free radicals are well known in the medical community as being systemic problems in the beginning stages of disease. Bioelectronic medicine introduces negative electrons into the body. These instinctively search out compromised cells to enable repair, and destructive free radicals. 
BET (blood electrification treatment) creates repulsive electric zeta potential between cells. Repulsive force is generated by negative charges on red blood cell surface that occur due to the presence of the carboxyl group of sialic acids in the cell membrane. Thus has the potential to knock free radicals off and also keep them away from a healthy cell with repulsive force. When a free radical cannot "feed" it eventually like anything else dies. This simple flooding of the blood stream with electrons is beneficial as a first defense against chronic disease and dysfunction. 

Our bodies use certain patterns of action potentials to initiate the correct movements, thoughts and behaviors. A disruption in electrical currents can lead to illness. For example, in order for the heart to pump, cells must generate electrical currents that allow the heart muscle to contract at the right time. Doctors can even observe these electrical pulses in the heart using a machine, called an electrocardiogram or (ECG). Irregular electrical currents can prevent heart muscles from contracting correctly, leading to cardiovascular diseases. This is just one example showing the important role of electricity in health and disease. 

Bioelectronic medicine goes beyond the ability to induce pain killers (natural endorphins). It can also help us to manipulate hormones and other chemicals produced by the brain to treat physical and mental dysfunctions. There are a multitude of factors beyond inflammation and pathogens (stress, trauma, scares, etc) that can cause disease. These factors can cause imbalances in the production of other needed chemicals and hormones needed by the endocrine system and brain to function properly. Bioelectronic medicine can stimulate, or suppress, these needed chemicals and hormones with specific Hz rates. This brings the field of bioelectronic medicine into new and exciting depths for healing that go beyond the boundaries of just pain management.

Lets now focus on a few examples of treatment "cases" to get a better understanding of what would be done to treat a certain condition. 

Example A. You are suffering from pain. We'll start with an example of something small but relatively painful for a week or two. Say you fell and caused a acute injury. We have swelling, redness and pain in a specific area (knee, wrist, hip, etc.) the worst part is of course the throbbing dull/sharp pain everyone generally sustains with an injury like this. Now your body already has a anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain inhibitor) response. However, for some reason you still present with pain. Why? Well the likely cause is that your bodies endorphin level is too low to produce a effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic response. In a case like this although small can be treated with bioelectronic medicine by utilize the ulnar and radial pulse points of the body to "force" a natural process of the parasympathetic system to eliminate that pain, while also allowing the bodies natural healing to occur through the inflammatory process. We would use a specific Hz rate to manipulate cellular function to communicate to the brain through these neural pathways to start producing Beta-endorphins and ACTH (Precursor to Cortisol - a natural anti-inflammatory steroid) during treatment. 

Result - Your pain is eliminated and you will heal much faster because you are not inhibiting the bodies natural means of regeneration.

Without the use of synthetic pain killers and anti-inflammatory's there is no risk of addiction or harmful side effects over a long period of time using NSAID's. 

You will also not hamper your bodies own healing regenerative processes. Inflammation is the bodies natural defense response to injury or infection. This is triggered by molecular proteins like high mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1). These molecules also stimulate sensory neurons, termed Nociceptors. Activation of Nociceptors controls the inflammation through release of neuropeptides producing neuroinflammation. While important, if unresolved inflammation can be harmful, resulting in autoimmune or autoinflammatory disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. Which is treatable in a safe and natural approach with bioelectronic medicine. 

Example B. of inducing electrons and assisting the bodies own "pharmacy" with a specific Hz rate to obtain a desired neuropathic trigger and cellular response. Rheumatoid arthritis's inflammatory response is due to TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor), it is a substance produced by cells in your immune system and is a major cause of the excess inflammation that drives the debilitation of (RA) in patients. Through studies, such as one produced by The Feinstein Institute research of Northwell Health, New York’s largest health care provider. Home to 50 research labs and 3,000 clinical research studies to date, including bioelectric medicine. Have proven we can actively assist the body in producing acetylcholine by stimulating a specific nerve with the use of electricity and proper Hz rate. Once acetylcholine is being produced regularly in the body, it battles very effectively against (TNF) and can be produced through quick and simple treatments to eliminate the inflammatory response over time and drastically reduce the pain suffered by those with rheumatoid arthritis. 

To be clear the Feinstien Institute utilizes a device surgically implanted (We do not preform surgery) on a nerve running from the Vagus that connects directly into the spleen. They ran this devise at a mesoderm frequncey of 10HZ and through clinical trials showed a vast reduction in all three inflammation markers present when suffering from (RA) during blood testing. (Example above) We have archived the same results through our own methods of treatment  without micro-surgery or a device implant.

For more information on clinical studies You can look up the Fienstien Institute and also find many successful clinical studies done by IU Methodist located in Indianapolis. 

Though the majority of our practice is in dealing with pain management, we are not adverse to the idea of working with Doctors to treat chronic illness. 

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